Friday, October 14, 2005


Another local reporter has earned her place here.

This story was about the death of a city police officer. The cop was sitting on the side of the highway shooting radar when he was rear-ended by a Caprice traveling at about 100mph. The cars exploded and both the drivers died.

The reporter said that the cars exploded into a ball of fire, “essentially ending the life and the career of the officer.”


Essentially ending the life and career? Give me a break.

How about this: “The cars exploded, killing both drivers.”

And was it necessary to point out that the officer’s career was ended along with his life? Isn’t everything a person once knew over and done with (i.e “essentially ended”) when he or she dies?

Why didn’t she report that the officer’s marriage had “essentially” ended, or that his membership at Bally’s Fitness had been “essentially” terminated?

That is all.

Didn’t proof read the post this morning...running late for work

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