Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sarah, Sarah, Sarah

"It is as throughout all Alaska that big wild good life teeming along the road that is north to the future." -- Sarah Palin, 7/26/09


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I swear she constructs her speeches from whatever Magnetic Poetry words happen to be on her fridge. You know how the stuff you come up with using Magnetic Poetry always sounds fairly awkward since you don't have a lot of words at your disposal and many of them are just kinda odd? Yeah. Sounds A LOT like this quote, doesn't it?

Rimpy Rimpington said...

Someone dumber than W? Wow. Where do the Republicans find these people?

BrightenedBoy said...

I literally have no idea what she meant to say by that.

Anonymous said...

Please provide date, location and audience to which this speech is attributed. I suspect someone has made this up to fool you. ;)

Jonesy said...

This sounds like genuine Palin-speak to me. Did you hear her resignation speech? Absolute gobbledygook.

Why is it that both my dad and my step-dad seem to like her?