Wednesday I got home from work and greeted the cats, Kitty and Baby, as I usually do. I grabbed the key to the mailbox and informed the cats I was going to fetch the mail. On my way out to the mailbox, it occurred to me how many different ways my declaration to the cats could’ve been taken by someone overhearing me:
“I’m gonna check the mail, cats.”
Informing felines I’m going to the mailbox.
“I’m gonna check the mail, cats.”
Informing cool people I’m going to the mailbox.
“I’m gonna check the mail cats.”
Declaring I’m going to check up on feline mail-deliverers
Declaring I’m going to check up on the cool mail-deliverers
“I’m gonna check the male cats.”
Announcing the sex of the felines I’m going to check.
I’m gonna check the male, cats.”
Informing felines I’m going to check out some dude.
Love it! I will use it with our permission next year when I teach punctuation. I'm tired of using "Let's eat, Mama." and "Let's eat Mama!" Likewise, I'm tired of "Eats, Shoots and Leaves".
@JacksMom - Please do use it. Glad you like it. :-)
Nicely written. I love succinct posts that actually impart usable information.
Office Letters
Dear Carlos,
At, we think your blog has what it takes to challenge the competition and become the Best Grammar Blog of 2011 To be included in our list of finalists, your blog must receive five nomination votes in our ten-day nomination period (September, 15th - September, 25th) If you haven’t already, you can nominate your blog and promote your entry by linking back to our contest nomination page in a blog post. Once your blog receives five nomination votes, you will be entered to win our awesome prizes, including:
First Prize
$250 Amazon gift certificate
An official winner’s badge
One super infographic which will be designed for a future blog post of a winner's blog. Check out our amazing infographics on grammar related topics here.
Second Prize
$150 Amazon gift certificate
An official second runner’s up badge
Third Prize
$100 Amazon gift certificate
An official third runner’s up badge
After the ten-day nomination period, you will have three weeks to get your readers voting. The three blogs with the most votes will be notified at the conclusion of the final voting period. All nomination votes must be received between September, 26th and October, 17th, 2011, so remember to get your nomination posts up early.
Happy voting and good luck in the nomination process!
Best regards, team
It's all about grammar!
Assuming you made an intonation break after "mail", I don't think that 3 and 4 would be likely interpretations.
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