Thursday, May 11, 2006

Kristine, Kristine, Kristine

“While there were a few falls, and some missed kicks there was also plenty of smiles.” –Kristine Johnson, "World Cup for the Retired," NBC News Early Today, 11 May 2006


This is the grammatically challenged Kristine Johnson's (NBC) second honor in my blog. Her writer(s) would find themselves honored here if I knew who they were. Since I don’t, Kristine takes the rap.

You can read her previous “offense” here


How many times do we need to go over noun/verb agreement Kristine? If you send me your mailing address I’ll send you a basic grammar book. If your writers are the true offenders, you can pass it on to them.


Sudiegirl said...

Hey man...

How can I be part of this wonderful blog?


Carlos said...

You should have an invitation in your in box Dear Sudie :-)