Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bon Jour, Nullard!

The Bourbon Street Seafood Kitchen has a local commercial that has succeeded in bugging the hell out of me: they pronounce the word e-t-o-u-f-f-e-e with the accent on the second syllable when it should be on the first and third: Étouffée.

I went to the restaurant’s web site and found a number of grievous misspellings, inconsistent spelling, typographical errors, and erroneous punctuation.

On the bright side, the place gets pretty decent reviews.

I was going to comment on all of the screen shots, but I’ve yet to master aligning pictures & text in Blogger.

I will comment on the second picture, however: I’m thinking “kid fried” is supposed to be “kids’ fried” but secretly hope it was supposed to be “kid-fried” to indicate they have child chefs preparing only the finest adolescent fare for discerning palates. ;-)


Frank H. said...

Actually, it’s étouffée with two F’s and only two accents. When used to mean the Cajun dish specifically, it ends in ÉE, but when used as a French adverb for any other entrée {wink}, it might end with either É, ÉE, ÉS or ÉES depending on the noun it modifies.Étouffée

My niece had a best friend who is named Desireé. I feel sorry for her for going through life with the accent on the wrong E.

Carlos said...

Thank you Frank!

The single eff was an oversight on my part; the double accent was me getting stupid with pasting symbols into a Word document :-)

I actually used that Wikipedia entry to verify the spelling and accents. So much for attention to detail ;-)


Warsaw Will said...

In French, each syllable is stressed equally. Unlike Spanish, accents in French have nothing to do with stress, but with how the letter is pronounced. For example é is pronounced a bit like e in bed, whereas è is pronounced more like the first e in there; e without an accent is pronounced like the shwa, for example e in adverb.

Rimpy Rimpington said...

Wow. Quite the menu. About aligning pictures and text, I recently found out that after you've added an image to a post, you can click on the image, then select to add a caption. I don't know what the character limit is, if any, but it all aligns automatically, plus puts an attractive yet subtle little frame around the image and captions.

Carlos said...

@Warsaw Will: Thanks for the info. I know virtually nothing about French :-)

@Rimpy: Thanks! I'll give that a whirl!

Pierre said...

For those who may not know, bouillabaisse commes from the expression bouille-abaisse: when it boils you simmer.

Carlos said...

Thanks Pierre! I didn't know that, and find it very interesting :-)

Pierre said...

Thank you but shame! Shame on me, I made a spelling mistake.
Commes: comes.
sorry! :-)
I will punish myself!